Ome is a lean startup. We’re a small but talented bunch who really believe in our smart doorbell. That means that our last Christmas party looked like this.  
Ome Christmas Social 2017

It was just five of us around a table, making up for what we lacked in mass with... mezcal.

What a moment it was for Ome to take on two new full-time employees this summer.

No. 1. Mark Hardwick joined Ome as Software Engineer. He was also one of our early investors and bowled us over in interviews with his understanding and enthusiasm for the Ome Smart Doorbell. One thing you may not know about Mark is that, outside of the office, he’s been known to do a bit of fencing.

No. 2. Ome’s production manager Gur Kimel who came to us with heaps of startup experience, including working for London-startup Sugru who raised £4m. Gur is a beacon of organisation and, when not managing our manufacturing, he is known to be an absolute boss at freestyle frisbee.

Last week Team Ome headed to London Shuffle Club to celebrate a summer of growing the team and rebranding.  It was a heart-warming moment to see how Team Ome has grown.  Can you guess which of our new team members won? Fencing hero versus freestyle-frisbee player!

 Team Ome at London Shuffle
It was King of Shuffling, Gur! He dazzled us all with this understated move.
Team Ome King of Shuffling Gur Kimel